🇩🇪 Die Famous Gold Watch Audiovisual Studios in Berlin-Weißensee sind ein solcher Herzensort für jede*n, der oder die Indie und Alternative Musik mag, dass man eigentlich nicht darüber schreiben sollte. Denn immer, wenn zu viele Menschen von etwas Großartigem wissen, zerstören sie es. Andererseits ist die Geschichte des märchenhaften Musikkellers zu schön, um nicht erzählt zu werden.

🇬🇧 The Weeping Song: One of my alltime favorite songs by Nick Cave (along with Red Right Hand and Where The Wild Roses Grow). I’m so excited about the upcoming Wild God Tour since the last tour I had bought tickets for got postponed (2020) and then cancelled (2021) because of the pandemic. I recently (2024) revisited this Weeping Song solo guitar arrangement (originally from 2022) and revised it.

🇬🇧 I think I’ll start a little series of recommendations for fingerstyle blues guitar exercises. What’s so favorite about this one? Well, for one I love altered tunings and „Bull Frog Groan“ needs a drop D tuning. Also, I love a quite a few of the blues pieces in Woody Mann’s guitar book „Blues Roots – An Original Repoertoire Approach for Fingerstyle Blues Guitar“ [Amazon Affiliate Link]. You will find the music sheet and guitar tablature for „Bull Frog Groan“ in it, too.